
Simple Bracketing for A460[]

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my first script, hope it works for you.

Written for/on: Powershot A460, CHDK Build allbest #50.

Also works on: (unknown at this time)

I wrote this script because i've tried some bracketing scripts, but neither worked for me. Also i've tried to use get_prop and set_prop functions, without any result. And at last, this was the first time on mi life i've tried to use uBasic (at 3 am). If it could be optimized, just tell me.

Documentation/Help (save as a small "focus-brkt.txt" file to your /CHDK/SCRIPTS/ folder)

Before running the script, make sure the exposure value is on 0 and the cursor is on the normal/supermacro selection mode (that's because i based it on click functions).

Script Code (save as "Bracketing460.bas" to your /CHDK/SCRIPTS/ folder)

@title Bracketing460
@param a Number of pics-Total: a*2+1
@default a 2
@param b Step (1,2,3)/3
@default b 1

rem set the vars onto the limits
if a<1 then let a=1
if a>3 then let a=3
if b<1 then let b=1
if b>3 then let b=3

sleep 100

print "Preparing..."

rem takes us to the exposure selector
gosub "rut1"

rem as i dont have any idea on how to calculate this, i'll evaluate one by one.
rem it should step to the appropiate value.

if a=1 then if b=1 then gosub "unclick"
if a=1 then if b=2 then gosub "dosclick"
if a=1 then if b=3 then gosub "tresclick"

if a=2 then if b=1 then gosub "tresclick"
if a=2 then if b=2 then gosub "cuatroclick"
if a=2 then if b=3 then gosub "seisclick"

if a=3 then if b=1 then gosub "tresclick"
if a=3 then if b=2 then gosub "seisclick"

rem after setting the appropiate value, returns to the menu
click "set"
sleep 200

rem takes the pic
print "Shoot 1 of", a*2+1
sleep 400
for s=2 to a*2+1
	rem first enters the menu, then steps right
	click "set"
	sleep 200
	if b=1 then gosub "unclack"
	if b=2 then gosub "dosclack"
	if b=3 then gosub "tresclack"
	rem Exits the menu
	click "set"
	sleep 200
	rem Photo
    print "Shoot", s, "of", a*2+1
	sleep 400
next s

rem here we should set the return to default EV, but fuckoff. I'm lazy.


  click "left"
  sleep 200

  gosub "unclick"
  gosub "unclick"

  gosub "dosclick"
  gosub "unclick"
  gosub "dosclick"
  gosub "dosclick"
  gosub "dosclick"
  gosub "dosclick"
  godub "unclick"
  click "right"
  sleep 200

  gosub "unclack"
  gosub "unclack"

  gosub "dosclack"
  gosub "unclack"
  click "set"
  sleep 200
  click "down"
  sleep 200