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CHDK has to be one of the most innovative improvements to any cameras that has ever come along since the beginning of photography. Started out by some people who only wanted RAW out of their raw-crippled cameras, it has now grown into one of the most adaptable, flexible, and full-featured operating systems of any cameras ever made. I for one am extremely grateful for the work that everyone has put into this arena of discovery, implementation, coding, sharing, and those that provide all the information on these Wiki pages (and elsewhere in the world). I also think that those who have contributed to this great stride in the world of photography deserve a huge vote of thanks. Words cannot express how grateful some of us are to these people. But maybe they can help. Please share yours here. Click on post a new comment if you too wish to express your thanks and gratitude for all those that have helped to make CHDK what it is today.

In special consideration, I personally would like to thank:

Vitaly for his initial discoveries into the operating system of these cameras. And being the first to fly the kite across the canyon that allowed everyone else to attach their cables to his kite-line to build the CHDK bridge we see today.

GrAnd, for his amazing implementation of what Vitaly discovered. The main backbone to the CHDK that we have now. Including his efforts for starting this whole Wiki section where we might all learn from them and everyone else.

owenjm, for his initial help and suggestions with so many things (Y-RGB histograms for just one) well as some of his own special builds that greatly improve on some of the original functions.

Harvester, for his HUGE help on the Wiki in so many areas, and helping to find so many errors that some of us made (names omitted to protect the guilty) :-)

[mr.anon], for his outstanding contribution to testing builds, writing and testing a lot of useful (and popular) scripts. For his huge effort on creating articles and topics for this wiki, making suggestions, providing feedback and helping other people through various forums discussions. A note of mention for his "accidental" discovery while testing various builds that these cameras could reach shutter-speeds once thought unattainable before, that discovery now implemented by the more knowledgeable code authors.

MX3, for his remarkable and extraordinary Motion-Detection addition. This one still leaves me in awe.

Fingalo, for his continued effort to supply some much needed improvements and more efficient methods to the uBASIC syntax and fixing problems that show up. As well as providing up-to-date builds with these new features. Most recently his using EWAVR's excellent code to be able to easily increase the shutter speeds not just as low as 65", but now up to a mind-boggling 1/10,000th of a second shutter speed, with flash-sync included!

EWAVR/Zosim, for his extremely useful USB Remote Cable-Release discovery. (Three cheers for this one!) And for helping to make the USB-Remote code available to others. Also for discovering a new method of getting dump of firmware and his continuing effort on porting CHDK to Digic III. Another round of applause for finding a way to beat the 1-gig video limit add 1-99 levels of video compression in two flavors, as well as his remarkable discovery on a way to give all of us 6 new shutter-speeds from 20-65 seconds and high-speed continuous Tv bracketing! His code now being used to include speeds up to 1/10,000th second!

acseven, for providing us with the new and much easier to use CHDK Discussion Forum. Trying to communicate with each other over so many diverse languages, needs, camera models, and interests is a task that I daresay even most corporations can't handle well. His contribution is going to benefit us so much in this effort to only make CHDK more accessible to everyone.

AllBest, a late-comer to the scene but someone who will also be deep in our debt, for providing a CHDK with features that surpass all expectations. His work being a summation of all those that came before him, with his own unique features that aren't found in any other builds so far. AllBest sums it up well, his build includes the best from all builds.

Script Authors, thank you for providing some ready-made examples from which we might learn on our own, or to use your scripts just as they are. Your scripts help make our cameras into some of the most remarkable cameras on the face of this earth. As well as giving us new ideas to use our cameras in ways we hadn't even considered before.

And to the rest of you (that I don't remember at the moment, someone please add them if you do). I think I can safely say that WE ALL appreciate and applaud how much you have done on behalf of advancements in the world of photography.

Last but not least, a special thanks to you Wiki editors, that have documented, compiled, cross-referenced, and tried to make some sense of the overwhelming amount of information from so many areas of the internet, and yet somehow found a way to present it so that most anyone can make full use of CHDK. With special mention to Divalent, a late-comer to the volunteers, for his extensive exploring, testing, and checking of all the Prop_ID values that have heretofore gone undocumented, increasing the usefulness of CHDK even more, as well as his extensive help in keeping updates and additions in check on these Wikia pages. THANK-YOU.

(If any of the above information for names and timeline is wrong, please forgive me and make the above information more accurate. This is what I have seen happen as I started to follow the development of CHDK from early on, but might be in error on some of it.)

A thanks from Divalent

I certainly commend all of the developers of this fine product. The strong interest in CHDK is proof of the value of the their efforts.

Having done analogous development projects in the distant past, I know the complexity of the undertaking. This project has the further complication that it attempts to address a rather diverse set of user applications, although it is probably fair to say that those diverse desired applications are one of the strengths of CHDK.

Recognizing that the developers are doing this on their own time and for no compensation, I am grateful for whatever efforts they continue to make. They have been more than helpful in assisting others in implementing improvements and in extending the camera's it can be used on. If they don't spend another sec further developing this product, that is their right.



Конечно же ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО всем, кто проложил свои знания и умения к созданию такой замечательной, грандиозной, и, не побоюсь этого слова, эпохальной вещи как CHDK. Я видел процесс рождения, взросления, развития прошивки с самого начала, с надписи "Hello world" на экране. И вот сейчас она повзрослела и, распустив крылья, полетела на сотни и тысячи фотоаппаратов. Честно говоря, даже было интереснее следить за новыми возможностями CHDK чем изучать стандартные возможности фотика и технику правильного фотографирования. Как круто было продемонстрировать друзьям и знакомым "А вот что мой Canon может..." Ещё раз спасибо всем активным участникам, желаю Вам сил для дальнейших успехов. Удачи.

Me too

Thanks from Spain

(A630 user)

Me ++

Thanks from Israel (A620 user)

Thanks from Wikia

Thanks to everyone who has contributed content to this wiki. I'm pleased to tell you it was one of Wikia's top 100 wikis by traffic this week. It's the first time a product-related wiki has achieved that! Angela (talk) 05:58, 27 October 2007 (UTC)

Thanks from Brazil (G7 user)

Gostaria de agradecer aos desenvolvedores deste maravilhoso software. O CHDK é um programa extremamente funcional que permite fazer coisas antes inimagináveis com minha G7. Parabéns!

Special thanks to Microfunguy

Thanks to Microfunguy for listening to my suggestions and allowing me the honor and the priveledge of testing the alpha versions of SDM Mx3 and for his special sympathy for the metrically challenged CHDK users.

GrAnd, Mx3, EWAVR/Zosim, and Microfunguy have been no less than the genius pioneers in advancing the art of 3D Stereo Photography a quantum leap in only a short period of time.

Thanks to all other developers, writers, and contributors.

Phillip InDepth

thanks(A570,1.01a user )

Please be aware that you are thanking someone who has taken everyone else's code and hard work to make his Stereo Data Maker and then has never shared his code in return with anyone else. Someone like that deserves no thanks whatsoever. You should be thanking all those that provided the code for him, instead of thanking Microfunguy.
It appears that he finally, at long last, published his source code. Peer pressure is a wonderful thing.

thanks(A570,1.01a user)

thanks(A570,1.01a user)

Deepest Thanks to all of you!

Because of chdk and all the people who started it all and those people who are still improving what has been developed, I am not giving away my Canon Powershot A610 even though I bought a Canon Powershot S3IS. And I'm not considering buying any other brand of digicam in the future unless it's CHDK compatible.

I really want to thank all of you guys for bring new life to these digital cameras.

Elmar - Philippines

thanks to all the hackers and programmer who push this to unbelievable hights

i was a former canon a640 user when i came accross the thread in DP about a modified firmware . i was on a big trip in asia and had already be completely addicted by taking pictures . since i had the chdk on my card and found out what i can do with this i got shear crazy ! i woke up at 4 o clock to drive 2h ontop a mountain to make sunrise pictures in HDR or timelapse videos of the awaking clouds from the jungle in northern thailand . i had a beautifull evening on the terrace of a temple while a huge rainwall approached from the mountains into a valley for my first lightning expierience ... this thing made me go out and drive , climb , walk just to get more amazing pictures wich i would never had done if this thing wasnt there .... therefore i have to thank grand and vitaly for starting to roll this stone and all the people who produced some things that helped me to gain ideas and expierience in taking my pictures . sadly the cam (wich already had 2 crashes from 1.5 meter and some dust/sand in the lens) was stolen out of my bag in my 2nd last night in bangkok before i flew back . so next day i just bought the 650is as it was there for a good price . now i face the situation of the people who are waiting for a port or even a dump .... its like an addict who cannot have his drug :D ... but iam quite sure that by time it will happen . i hope this thing will grow more and more to enrich everybodys photo experience .

thanks so much


Thank you!

You have turned my humble little A710 into a tool I can use to build my photographic skills without breaking the bank. Photography brings me great joy, and you help contribute to that joy. The work you have put into this tool, and the spirit of cooperation required to do it are wonderful, and I thank you!

A big thanks to all of you.

Wonderful tools. Wonderful features. I feel like having a brand new camera!

Thanks for making my camera more interesting.

I am completely bowled over. I couldn't believe that my camera had so much power!! If you people have not been offered job by Canon yet .. It is a shame on them!

After all this, I have only one question: Can my camera run Linux ? ;-)

More thanks & encouragement

Even as a new user, the insructions are so well written I was able to follow them easily and I would encourage even beginners to take advantage of these additional features. Thanks to all of you for sharing your hard work. nwcurtis 13:20, 18 December 2007 (UTC)

Tanks a lot

Thank you all, for this great work ... Its unbelievable what you get out of this Cameras. I own a PowerShot 640, and now you show me, that this camera can do much more I ever expect. Thanks... Ps: Would be nice if there ware a nice StoryBoard with the History of the whole CHDK.

A530 Dump

Thank You!

Thanks from Burnaby, British Columbia Canada!

Thanks to all you creative

This Wiki is bout interesting and useful. Thanks to all you who have the knowledge and time to perform such development.

As a DSLR user I could wish someone also invented 120 or even 240 sec metering/controlled exposure times on EOS'es, and crack the autofocus-limitation for lenses slower than f5,6. This will give 2x converters a new life.

Does anyone play similar games with Nikons ? 09:14, 7 February 2008 (UTC)

CHDK is wonderful; it's worth installing just for the full-time battery status information. I have an A620.

Regards, Mike T.

Many thanks from SERBIA

Dear folks,

thank you all for increasing our satisfaction of using Canon's cameras and making our cameras worth more. I hope that your example will be starting spark for other users to contribute and expand this job also to other camera brands.

Best regards, Strela.

By glogin

Thank you from Serbia

Amazing! Astounding! Cool! Insane!

I know there is a great feeling of accomplishment that makes all the hours and the cold pizza and the mountain dew's worth it, but what has been done here goes beyond personal satisfaction. For the special few who are able and willing to utilize the power that has been unleashed here, there is the simultaneous high of knowing what can be done and the stunning revelation of what has been withheld. Although mine, the TX-1, is not yet on the list, I am thrilled that this work has been able to lift the veil on so many others. Sincerest thanks to all those who have put in the time and effort to make this happen. I can only hope that Canon realizes what an advantage this gives them and openly or surreptitiously helps the process.

Thanks to you all!

02:40, 10 March 2008 (UTC)02:40, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

