

The standard language of the CHDK firmware is English, but it has a multi-language interface now. Here is how you can change your language:

  • open one of the following links and copy the language text file (the text in the large grey box).
  • use a text editor like Notepad to make a new textfile, paste the language text into it and name the file {nameofthelanguage}.lng
  • make a new folder called LANG in the CHDK directory of your SD card
  • copy your .lng file into the LANG folder.
  • Go to CHDK main menu>visual settings>language and choose your .lng file and the appropriate codepage.

Now your menu language should have changed.
Please note that the built-in font supports many codepages (=many different national characters (éèîäüß)), but there are few RBF fonts with other codepages than Win1251(Cyrillic). If you have chosen a RBF font but want to switch back to the original built-in font, just choose an "illegal" RBF font (Try to load a uBASIC script as a RBF font, for example). Tutorial how to make RBF fonts.


How to add a language

If you want to help translating the CHDK into your language, you can do so here: Start a new wiki page for your language, copy the original english text in there and put some <pre> </pre> tags around it because it is preformatted text. Now you can start your translation.
Note: // is a commentary, \n is a line break.

If there is no appropriate codepage for a particular language it can be added easily. Grand just needs the info to map of unicode characters to single byte, like this.
