

F. Welche neuen Funktionen bietet die CHDK-Firmware?

A. Die CHDK-FW bietet unter anderem folgende neue Funktionen:

  • RAW
  • Live-Histogramm (RGB, RGB überlagert, Helligkeit und mehr)
  • Zebra-Modus (Anzeige unter- und überbelichteter Bildpartien)
  • Schärfentiefe-Rechner
  • Akkufüllstandsanzeige
  • Skripte (Belichtungs-/Fokus-/ISO-Reihen ("Bracketing"), Intervalltimer und mehr)
  • Dateibrowser
  • Textreader
  • Kalender
  • einige Fun-Tools und Spiele :)

F. Welche Kameramodelle werden derzeit unterstützt?

A. Derzeit ist die CHDK-Firmware für folgende Canon-Digitalkameras verfügbar:

  • A610, Fw: 1.00D, 1.00E, 1.00F
  • A620, Fw: 1.00F
  • A630, Fw: 1.00C
  • A640, Fw: 1.00B
  • A710 IS, Fw: 1.00A
  • S3 IS, Fw: 1.00A

Theoretisch könnte die CHDK-FW auf jede DIGIC II-Kamera angepasst werden.

Der DIGIC III-Chip (G7, A570 IS) wird nicht unterstützt. Vielleicht wäre auch dies möglich, doch "Reverse Engineering" beansprucht sehr viel Zeit, und derzeit scheint niemand an einer DIGIC III-Portierung zu arbeiten.

F. Wie kann ich die Versionsnummer der Originalfirmware meiner Kamera herausfinden?

A. Um die Versionsnummer der Originalfirmware herauszufinden, erstelle im Hauptverzeichnis der SD-Speicherkarte eine Datei mit dem Namen ver.req und schalte danach die Kamera im Wiedergabemodus ein. Wenn du nun die Tasten [Set] und [Display] gleichzeitig drückst, wird dir eine Zeile á là "Firmware Ver GM1.00E" angezeigt. Das 1.00E stellt die Firmwareversionsnummer dar.

Q. Where can I download the HDK firmware?

A. The latest binaries of HDK firmware from GrAnd are available here.

Q. What is the procedure of loading the HDK firmware into my camera?

A. You have to copy file PS.fir into root folder of your SD-card. Then switch on your camera in play mode. Go to the menu and select Firm Update. Select OK.
After that the HDK firmware will be loaded into camera memeory and started. If the HDK firmware is loaded successfully the camera will reboot, blink by blue led and show on the LCD screen splash screen with HDK firmware version. If camera hang or switched off during updating process (this means that this HDK firmware is not compatible with your camera) and does not respond on power button, relax. Just open up the battery compartment and remove the batteries to turn the camera off. Stick them back in and everything should be fine.

Q. Do I need a special card reader, or is it sufficient to connect the cam to the PC?

A. Digicanon has an uploader for the A610 on his page which you can use to upload the firmware files to the A610 without a card reader. (If somebody knows an uploader for any of the other cams, please let us know)

How to use it:

  • Put your firmware files PS.FIR and DISKBOOT.BIN into the same folder as the uploader
  • Make sure your SD-card is not write-protected
  • There is a textfile named "FirmInfo.txt". It contains this text: "[Firmware File Name]". Just change the name below it into the filename you want to upload. Then save the text file and start the UploadFirmware.exe. You have to do this two times: 1x for PS.FIR and 1x for DISKBOOT.BIN.

I personally find it more convenient to use a cheap USB card reader. It has no sensor for the write protection switch on the card, and this is great. Otherwise, you would have to switch the card to "unlocked" everytime you want to put something on the card, or delete something with your PC.

Q. When I switch off my camera and then switch it on again, the HDK firmware does not work. What's wrong?

A. When you update your camera by HDK firmware it doesn't touch the original firmware. Because it is just a some kind of resident program and it remains in camera memory until camera is shutdown. So, if something goes wrong and camera does not respond you never get your camera toasted, because after switching off/on your camera will back with original firmware.
Recently, HDK firmware got the ability to autoload (see the next answer).

Q. How can I make the HDK firmware load automatically at startup?

A. You have to do the following actions:

  • Copy into root folder of your SD-card PS.fir and DISKBOOT.bin files
  • Load HDK firmware using legacy method (switch on cam in play mode, choose menu>firm update>OK).
  • Select Make card bootable... in Debug parameters menu
  • Switch off the camera and take out SD-card
  • Lock your SD-card (This is mandatory!)
  • Insert SD-card back into the camera

From now, HDK firmware will be loaded every time upon camera is switched on. (see notes below)
Camera can report that SD-card is locked. Do not care about this message, camera is still able to store pictures on flash card.

Note Unfortunatelly, autoload does not work with FAT32-formatted SD-cards. This means: cards up to and including 2 GB will work, cards larger than 2 GB won't.

Autoload sometimes also does not work if the camera is switched on directly in record mode.

Q. I don't need the autoload feature temporarily/anymore. How can I disable it?

A. The simplest way is just to don't lock your SD-card. Deletion of file DISKBOOT.bin from your flash card will lead to the same result.

Q. What are the key settings and shortcuts?

A. Here is a list of important key settings and shortcuts. Have a look at the firmware usage guide for detailed explanations about them. Note that you can press and hold down certain keys to simulate pressing this key multiple times, just like your PC keyboard.

camera-specific key settings:

  • Enter <ALT> mode:
- [direct print] button for A-series cams
- [shortcut] button for S3IS*
  • Toggle RAW on/off:
- <ALT> + [+/-] button for A-series
- <ALT> + [func] button for S3IS*

(*)Please note: There is some problem with the shortcut button of the S3 right now, which will also activate the original shortcut functionality. Please read this for a workaround.

universal keys and shortcuts:

  • Start a script: <ALT>+[shoot]
  • Enter the main configuration menu: <ALT>+[menu]
  • Toggle Zebra mode on/off: [half shoot]+[left]
  • Toggle Histogram on/off: [half shoot]+[up]
  • Toggle OSD on/off: [half shoot]+[right]
  • Scroll-By-page in File Browser and File Reader modes: [zoom-in] / [zoom-out]
  • (main configuration menu) Go back one menu level: [display]
  • (OSD layout editor) Change the amount of pixels the OSD elements are moved: [display]

Q. How do I use scripts?

A. HDK allows you to automate your camera by running "scripts", small and simple programs written in a short-hand version of BASIC. You can find some pre-made scripts like bracketing, intervalometer etc. here or write your own script by using the scripting language. To use a script, you have to do this:

  • Put the script you want to use into the "scripts"-folder on your SD card
  • Load the script (main menu>scripting parameters>load script from file) and adjust script parameters as needed
  • To run the script, press the shutter button while in <alt> mode. You can also stop it by pressing the shutter button again.

When your script does not work properly, try to increase the "script shoot delay" parameter, which is a small time-delay after a shot is taken, before the next line of the script is executed. Some scripts also may require certain camera settings. For example the generic bracketing script: go to menu>review and switch it to "off". Use P, Tv, Av or M mode and activate the camera function where you want to have bracketing. For example: Activate the focus slider when you want to have focus bracketing. Activate the exposure compensation slider in P mode when you want to have exposure bracketing, and so on.

Q. I've shot some RAW pictures. How do I process them?

A. When you have a RAW file from your cam, you can

  • convert it to the standardized DNG digital negative format using the DNGForPowerShot converter. The DNG files then can be processed with nearly every RAW converter on the market, including Adobe Lightroom and Apple Aperture.
  • process the RAW files directly with appropriate converters. Right now, this applies to converters which are based on David Coffin's DCRaw. Here are two free examples:

[Note that the above mentioned steps may not work for all cameras yet. Especially the A640 CHDK firmware was just recently added, so the RAW converters may not support it yet.
If you know that it works or have further information, please delete this paragraph]

Q. Why won't my camera save my "Last Used" and "Custom" (non-CHDK) settings?

A. Your camera won't allow you to save these settings if you are using a locked (write-protected) SD card. If you are using the Auto-Loading feature of CHDK it requires that you leave the SD card write-protected. To resolve this issue:

  • Remove SD Card
  • Slide write-protect tab to unlock card to make it normally write-enabled (CHDK will not auto-load in this condition).
  • Power-up the camera with unlocked/write-enabled SD card.
  • Make your needed changes to Custom and default power-up settings.
  • Remove the SD card and slide write-protect tab to lock the card again.
  • The camera now boots up with CHDK enabled and your default camera settings intact.
Perhaps some future version might have a fix, but for now this is a minor work-around compared to all the remarkable new features that you have available. If you find this annoying you can always leave your SD card unlocked and then just manually enable CHDK when powering up (as described above). If you are into a shooting session and don't want to power-down to manually enable CHDK on the next boot-up, you can move your Record/View control to the View position two times (pause slightly to make this work). The lens will retract and the camera will go into View-Only mode. From here you may manually enable CHDK from the [Menu] with the "Firm Update..." option which is now visible at the bottom of your main menu. (This booting into the CHDK-firmware option while already powered-up was found to work on the Powershot S3 IS, it may or may not work for other models.)
