
Disassembling with GNU/GPL tools

The gnu/gpl tools are not made for analysing alien binary dumps because we usually have the source code if we need to debug. This is not really an replacement for IDA but for me it's was sufficient.

Installing software is not explained in this tutorials.


  • U have a raw binary firmware dump to look at. I'll use here "dump.bin"
  • U have set up arm-gcc/binutils toolchain.

In this toybox we have:

arm-elf-objcopy | arm-linux-gnu-objcopy
arm-elf-objdump | arm-linux-gnu-objdump

Here we go:

strings -t x dump.bin > dump.strings
hexdump -C dump.bin > dump.hex

arm-linux-gnu-objdump -m arm -b binary -D dump.bin > dump.dis

However, theres a problem: all files start with an offset of 0x00. Here comes my script:

strings -t x dump.bin | ./ 0xff810000 > dump.strings
hexdump -C dump.bin |./ 0xff810000 > dump.hex

Before we disassemble the dump, we pack it into elf format. This meat is good for feeding gdb and the IDA demo version ;)

arm-linux-gnu-objcopy --change-addresses=0xff810000 -I binary -O elf32-littlearm -B arm dump.bin dump.elf
arm-linux-gnu-objcopy --set-section-flags .data=code dump.elf

Verify the elf file:

arm-linux-gnu-objdump -x dump.elf


arm-linux-gnu-objdump -d dump.elf > dump.dis

So finally we have 3 ascii files to stare at:

  • dump.dis
  • dump.strings
  • dump.hex


  • dump.elf for gdb and qemu

Putting all together

Meanwhile I wrote a perl script, which does all the jobs. Also it lookup references and add this to the disassemble output.


ff936a40:   e59f12e8    ldr r1, [pc, #744]  ; ff936d30: (ff81d88c)
ff936a44:   e28f0fba    add r0, pc, #744    ; ff936d34: (63727473)  *"strcpy"

Next lesson: run the dump in Qemu
