Forums: Index > Watercooler > Logo Contest?

GrAnd suggested that people submit some ideas for logos, the only requirement is they have to fit a 266x75 format for Wikia's Quartz skin, or 135x155 for all other skins, 155x155 may be used but not recommended (* see GrAnd's note below). It's probably good to also keep them limited to a PNG filetype so you can upload them to the Wikia and make them easier to view and use.

Share them here or in the discussion section (link above). Some samples were posted there for a starter.

How to upload a picture (See also) You have to be logged in do do it though by signing up to have an account.

Anyway, I was fooling around with my PL32 editor and came up with this. It's not really good. As I said I was just fooling around playing with some of PL32's editing tools. But I thought it might act as an example for others, maybe of what NOT to do. :-)

Chdk logo

I thought taking elements from different parts of CHDK features might be made into one somehow. Surely this can inspire anyone to do better. :-) This one covered the on-screen-display elements like the histograms (OSD), scripting (motion detection and intervalometer lightning photography), the fun of the built-in games, and the customizable Grid feature.

[mr. anon]

(hmm... when uploading wikia thew some pixels in new places, oh well, it's just an example)

Actually, wiki uses two different logos depending on skin used. :) From wiki-help:
  • The logo for the Quartz skin has to be no more than 266 pixels wide and 75 pixels tall, and should be saved in the .png format.
  • The logo size for all other skins has to be no more than 135 pixels wide and 155 pixels tall, and should be saved in the .png format.
But, the second one can be 155x155, although 135x155 is recommended. --GrAnd 07:02, 17 October 2007 (UTC)
Thanks for the clarification GrAnd, It helps to give folks a few more formats to fit their layout into. I'll leave mine as-is and re-do it if ever needed, but it's just an example. :-) [mr. anon]


Tried to visualize CHDK as enhancement of a jog-dial resembling the orginal one.



Hmm... I like this idea! But I think it might be nicer if CHDK was a little logo right on the dial, maybe even shown at an odd angle so it's not obvious at first, then with one of those image-insert blowups like in a user manual, pointing to it and showing it enlarged. You might like to have it be CHDK (+RAW), since RAW is such a small subset of its many functions. RAW just don't tell the story and so many other cameras already have RAW, missing the impact of how special it is. CHDK is more like having a whole extra dial on the camera. :-) I like the concept though. This is the problem I had, trying to convey all that's in CHDK in a simple logo. I almost thought of using a swiss-army knife theme. With each blade, corkscrew, scissors, etc. labeled for one of its functions. Then I was back to "too complex" for a simple and easy to recognize logo. Anyway, nice idea! Too bad a logo can't be an animated GIF or SWF, then we could have it like a transformers-cartoon animation, a simple camera falling into bits and reassembling itself into some mighty super-robot camera. We'll eventually need a CHDK super-hero character out of this, he comes along and saves us from all those paltry camera-company offerings. :-) [mr. anon]

Second version without any visual reference to the features of CHDK.(I fully agree that CHDK is more than RAW).

