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== Firmware info ==
== not ready... ==
=== Version ===
The trick with the '''ver.req''' file works on the A550 as well, with the following result:
Canon PowerShot A550
P-ID:3150 PAL V
firmware ver GM1.00C
No error
Dec 4 2006 07:46:45
== Memory map ==
Tested on A550 with blink G7 firmware dump.
=== Led ===
0xc0220080: ''AF beam:'' (0x46 ON - 0x44 OFF)
0xc0220084: ''blue print:'' (0x46 ON - 0x44 OFF)
0xc0220088: ''viewfinder orange:'' (0x46 ON - 0x44 OFF)
== Blinker Firmware compilation ==
''Serial port download solution'' is the choice for dump firmware.<br>
Blink G7 source code (main.c) must be modified in according with led memory map
long* led=(long*)0xc0220080;
The blink G7 firmware was compiled using cygwin in the pack 'ready-to-use' environment downloadable [ here].<br>
Before compile must be edit the last row of the ''make.bat''.
pakwif PS.FIR main 0x3150
where 0x3150 is the P-ID viewed with ver.req trick.
== Firmware is dumped ==
I have made dump from 0xFFC00000 to 0xFFFFFFFF, and this is the result:
[ Firmware A550 100c]
mhhhh...I see that not any others firmware is 4 think and to think... EUREKA!!! :)
Raw Firmware Dump is 4 Mbyte as 0x3FFFFF...dumped with photo-transistor.
If you do:
[0xFFEEB4D0 (data_src) + 0xB540 (data_len) - 0xFFC00000 (start firmware address)]
the result is the real firmware lenght!
0x2F6A10 - in my case
Well, I had trimmed remaining part of the file.
== Compile the CHDK ==
First of all download svn clien and then execute:
*'''svn checkout chdk''' --> where ''chdk'' is the folder where put files
Using '''A560 source''' as the base code (platform and loader).
*'''Modify folder structure''': change folders names of platform\a560\sub\100a in platform\a550\sub\100c and loader\a560 in loader\a550
*'''Copy the PRIMARY.BIN in platform\a550\sub\100c''' (dump of the camera)
*'''Modify file core\rav.h''':
#elif defined (CAMERA_a620) || defined (CAMERA_a710) || '''defined (CAMERA_a550) ||''' defined (CAMERA_a560)...
#define ROWPIX 3152 // for 7 MP
#define ROWS 2340 // for 7 MP
*Add the new camera to the '''Makefile.Inc''' (root folder)
*'''Modify Makefile.Inc''' --> in platform\a550\sub\100c
*'''Modify boot.c'''
Start from function ''kernelinit'' found with IDA and called it in h_usrKernelInit.
Walk back (through XREF) in IDA until function ''boot''...
calls flow:
boot()-->h_usrInit()-->h_usrKernelInit()-->usrRoot()-->etc...(but not interest us)
Rename the fuction call with your address:
ex. excVecInit => sub_FFCB6DB8
this (right or wrong) is the result:
void boot()
long *canon_data_src = (void*)0xFFEEB4D0;
long *canon_data_dst = (void*)0x1900;
long canon_data_len = 0xB540;
long *canon_bss_start = (void*)0xCE40; // just after data
long canon_bss_len = 0x9F2B0 - 0xCE40;
long i;
void h_usrInit()
asm volatile (
"STR LR, [SP,#-4]!\n"
"BL sub_FFC01968\n"
"MOV R0, #2\n"
"MOV R1, R0\n"
"BL sub_FFCC1CEC\n" //unknown_libname_201
"BL sub_FFCB6DB8\n" //excVecInit
"BL sub_FFC011C4\n"
"BL sub_FFC01728\n"
"LDR LR, [SP],#4\n"
"B h_usrKernelInit\n"
void h_usrKernelInit()
asm volatile (
"STMFD SP!, {R4,LR}\n"
"SUB SP, SP, #8\n"
"BL sub_FFCC21EC\n" //classLibInit
"BL sub_FFCD2318\n" //taskLibInit
"LDR R3, =0x4E60\n"
"LDR R2, =0x9C4C0\n"
"LDR R1, [R3]\n"
"LDR R0, =0x9D010\n"
"MOV R3, #0x100\n"
"BL sub_FFCCDF08\n" //qInit
"LDR R3, =0x4E20\n"
"LDR R0, =0x51C0\n"
"LDR R1, [R3]\n"
"BL sub_FFCCDF08\n" //qInit
"LDR R3, =0x4EDC\n"
"LDR R0, =0x9CFE4\n"
"LDR R1, [R3]\n"
"BL sub_FFCCDF08\n" //qInit
"BL sub_FFCD66D4\n" //workQInit
"BL sub_FFC012B0\n"
"MOV R4, #0\n"
"MOV R3, R0\n"
"MOV R12, #0x800\n"
"LDR R0, =h_usrRoot\n"
"MOV R1, #0x4000\n"
"LDR R2, =0xCF2B0\n" // 0x9F2B0 + 0x30000
"STR R12, [SP]\n"
"STR R4, [SP,#4]\n"
"BL sub_FFCCF558\n" //kernelInit
"ADD SP, SP, #8\n"
"LDMFD SP!, {R4,PC}\n"
void h_usrRoot()
asm volatile (
"STMFD SP!, {R4,R5,LR}\n"
"MOV R5, R0\n"
"MOV R4, R1\n"
"BL sub_FFC019D0\n"
"MOV R1, R4\n"
"MOV R0, R5\n"
"BL sub_FFCC6CA4\n" //memInit
"MOV R1, R4\n"
"MOV R0, R5\n"
"BL sub_FFCC771C\n" //memPartLibInit
//"BL sub_FFC017E8\n" //nullsub_1
"BL sub_FFC01704\n"
"BL sub_FFC01A0C\n"
"BL sub_FFC019F0\n"
"BL sub_FFC01A38\n"
"BL sub_FFC019C4\n"
asm volatile (
"LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,LR}\n"
"B sub_FFC0136C\n" //IsEmptyWriteCache_2
I'm not sure this is the correct boot.c, If anyone view some error (in code or procedure), report me....thanks!
*'''Finish Makefile.Inc''' --> in platform\a550\sub\100c
MEMISOSTART=0x9F2B0 // find in original h_usrKernelInit()
I know how to find the missing fuction in lib.c and stubs_entry_2.S.
It's enought compare a precedent porting CHDK (firmware/source) and find with IDA text search missing fuction in my firmware dump.
NHSTUB(Close, 0xFFE221A0) //sync with a560
NHSTUB(Read, 0xFFE22234) //sync with a560
NHSTUB(Write, 0xFFE22240) //sync with a560
NHSTUB(Remove, 0xFFE221C0) //sync with a560
NHSTUB(Mount_FileSystem, 0xFFE214C4) //sync with a560
NHSTUB(kbd_read_keys_r2, 0xFFDCB384) //sync with a560
NHSTUB(DisplayImagePhysicalScreen, 0xFFDC0374) //sync with a560
NHSTUB(free, 0xFFCC8154) //sync with a560
NHSTUB(SetZoomActuatorSpeedPercent, 0xFFDCD668) //nullsub_130
#overwrite incorrect in stubs_entry.s
NHSTUB(SetPropertyCase, 0xFFC0B68C) //sync with a560
NHSTUB(FreeMemory, 0xFFC0819C) //sync with a560
NHSTUB(GetFocusLensSubjectDistance, 0xFFE458AC) //sync with a560
NHSTUB(GetDrive_ClusterSize, 0xFFE2198C) //sync with a560
NHSTUB(GetDrive_TotalClusters, 0xFFE219C8) //sync with a560
I did't test all address function in stubs_entry.s (too much), only a560 function report as incorrect.
same procedure:
void *hook_raw_fptr()
return (void*)0x42990; //sync with a630
void *hook_raw_ret_addr()
return (void*)0x0;
char *hook_raw_image_addr()
return (char*)0x10E6C640; //sync with a630
long hook_raw_size() //sync with a560 (on wiki page)
return 0x8CAE10;
void *vid_get_viewport_live_fb()
return (void*)0x0;
void *vid_get_bitmap_fb()
return (void*)(0x10360000); //sync with a540
void *vid_get_viewport_fb()
return (void*)0x105F0000; //sync with a540
void *vid_get_viewport_fb_d()
return (void*)(*(int*)0x3C2E0); //sync with a540
long vid_get_bitmap_width()
return 360;
long vid_get_bitmap_height()
return 240;
long vid_get_viewport_height()
return 240;
and also the same for:
DEF(physw_status, 0x44818) // sync with a560 and a630
DEF(physw_run, 0x7980) // sync with a560 and a630
DEF(zoom_busy, 0x776E0) // sync with a560 and a630
DEF(focus_busy, 0x76F6C) // sync with a630 but not sure
DEF(playrec_mode, 0xBC3C) // sync with a560
DEF(FlashParamsTable,0xFFEAC254) // sync with a560 and a630
DEF(canon_menu_active,0x2E18) // sync with a560 and a630
DEF(canon_shoot_menu_active,0x2795) // not found
DEF(recreview_hold, 0x2588) // sync with a560 and a630
pack of my modified files for a550:
== End Porting...but don't Run ==
I'm at the End of porting (i think) but it don't want run...
my camera switch off, without led blinking, when i start ''firmware update''
...if someone have any idea, He will become my God and I'll be his slave!
== Important Notes ==
*'''first of all''': sorry for my english...I'm illiterate Italian man :) (if you don't find my CHDK port can enjoy to correct my english grammar error)
*'''write me here''': point of contact:,230.0.html or muttmail(AT)

Revision as of 15:45, 24 January 2008

not ready...