
This page contains information that is eventually meant to result in a CHDK port for the A530.

Version info

The trick with the ver.req file works on the A530 as well, with the following result:

Canon PowerShot A530
P-ID:3126  PAL

Firmware Ver GM1.00A
No error
Dec 14 2005   09:32:59

pressing DISP again results in:

Canon PowerShot A530
P-ID:3126  PAL

Adj Ver.002.004

The number P-ID:3126 is a hexadecimal code for the platform version id.

Platform codes for other models:

  • A620: 30FC
  • A610: 30FD
  • A700: 3117
  • S3IS: 311A
  • A710: 3138
  • A640: 3139
  • A630: 313A

With respect to the platform id, the A530 fits in between the S3IS and the A710, so possibly it is similar to those firmwares.


Probably the most important next step is to get a firmware image from the camera in order to know where to make patches and how to link the CHDK code to it.
